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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Today I went out into my garden to sit awhile by myself and enjoy the morning sunshine; of course I had my camera with me, I always take it with me so I can photograph a new flower that may be making its debut, or anything else that catches my eye... I was not disappointed  :-)

 The most precious looking baby wild cotton-tail rabbit was scampering about in our backyard, having the best time sunning him/herself and eating tender shoots of grass/weeds or whatever it is that rabbits like to munch on...he was so adorable...and not shy at all :-)

I think he was enjoying his/her photo shoot, and kept doing cute stuff for me to record...I took lots of photos and am posting a couple of my favorites!

We had a family of four baby wild rabbits join us a few years ago, they would come around year round...they never destroyed my plants, and were content to eat, carrots and vegetables that we left out especially for them...they grew into adults and finally stopped coming to our yard as much as they once did...but we never have forgotten some of their antics, they were so amusing!

 I was afraid that  they might have gotten hurt, and were in rabbit heaven because they suddenly disappeared, but just last week we saw one of them in the front yard, and today the little baby...must belong to the same rabbit family...I hope he/her they keep coming around!

Then ... still more fun for moi this morning! ...We have had a slew of butterflies in our yard, usually I can't get in close enough for PICS because they fly away so fast ...or perhaps its been me moving too slow...but today I got Butterfly pictures! I think they were posing too! ;-D
The early morning sun felt so good, and the angles were just right for picture taking...I think !

 This butterfly is casting its shadow on the warm edging of my garden ... it adds extra dimension!

This butterfly found one of my waning white roses delicious....

Like I said earlier ... I had a nice time, taking photos this morning :-) Laters...Arita

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