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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012


Our children gifted us with a new rose bush; I can hardly wait to get it into the ground! It has lots of lemon yellow blooms and is going to fit in perfectly with all the rest of our flowers!  We had a yellow rose bush that bloomed each year around this time. This year it did not bloom...it is one of our plants that did not survive last summer's intense heat, so  their gift to us is extra special!
We also purchased several bedding plants all kinds and hues!  There was a big sale going on at one of our local flower nurseries this past weekend, and we picked out a nice selection of new plants
for our flower gardens. My Honeybear selected a rosebush that is described as being blue violet on the package! Sounds like will be real pretty ... we have a pale lavender rose bush that is gorgeous, but the blue violet one ... can hardly wait to see its blooms. 
 Last but not least, we purchased the cutest little blue hatted statue, and dubbed the little Gnome as
Shay Bluehat ...
What is a Gnome  (paste on your browser sites list all sorts of interesting stuff!  I looked into others and read about the pronunciation...Nome silent G, or Ga Nome with the G sounding...I am like HEY, why not Grome (would be Gro for GROW an ME for meeee, growmeee......
 :-D he is in the garden after all! For more interesting facts just paste Gnome on your browsers and have fun; lots of neat sites to look into, found some games too :-)

I had to include a photo of our Jackrabbit...I say our because he visited our yard with his wife and  four bunny children for about five years, later we would just see the smaller bunnies.They grew into  adults and eventually all  stopped visiting ... perhaps they have all gone to Rabbit heaven...but I like to think they are visiting other gardens, and bringing lots of smiles with their antics...they were a breath of sunshine each time that they appeared, and they never destroyed our garden.

 We fed them carrots and other vegetables, and they would take naps under shady plants while we moved around the yard...they were wild rabbits but you would not have guessed it, they were so much fun to watch.
I hope everyone had a Blessed Easter weekend ours was really nice. We visited with our Children and Grans, we spent a bit of time with my Mother and with one of my Sisters, then on Sunday we attended church services...it was a little rainy, but otherwise turned out OK....except missed hunting color
Easter Eggs outside with the Granbabies cause of the rain...but our plants enjoyed their showers...
till next time ... Blessings

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