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Friday, April 20, 2012

I keep trying to pack my variety of  small Teddy Bears into their boxes, and they keep multiplying,      

 :-) its really OK ... because I really enjoy my growing collection!

Earlier this month I had quite a scare ... I went to my doctor ... feeling very under the weather ... and tests there showed I was having, or about to have a heart-attack ... an ambulance was called and off to the hospital we flew ... my poor HoneyBear, what a scare for him too ... right away let me say I did not have a heart attack!  Praise the LORD :-)

My daughter took this photo where I am proudly showing a Yeaaaaa my heart is OK test image!!! 

after a slew of tests, some really great doctors, nurses, hospital staff and medicines  and TLC ; I am back at home and feeling so much better! ... tests showed a few things that need attention but YEAAA no heart attack and no damages that would have resulted had I had one ... thank goodness I got help in time! My HoneyBear and my Children and Grans were so amazing, so encouraging ...

But back to the bears...My HoneyBear surprised me with this little Navy Bear lovie while I was in the hospital...2012

a real CutieBear which took me back down memory lane a spell ....

(who has been my do everything with partner for almost 50 years,  even a few wild ambulance rides)

Here is a Photo (to the left) of my HoneyBear taken in late 50's, and of my new get well soon Navy TBear!!!!!
Also to the right is a photo of our wheels back then, cool car, and lots of stories, but that's another blog entry waiting in the wings :-D 

Yeaaaa I feel so much better ... look at me;  I am out in my garden once more...
till next time ... Arita

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