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Monday, April 30, 2012

Good Morning ...bonjour :-)

what a pretty day ... I hope it will be a good one, cause I am feeling really well today!

Mr. Blackbird is singing and flying about, and seems quite happy too this morning, but then he always is ... I'm convinced he is the same one that hangs around our yard daily. Several big black birds come and go, but one particular one is always close by; of course they all look alike so who knows, could be different birds ... but I like to think it is one and the same bird ... :-)
There are two doves that come around too, those I am sure are the same ones because they have built a nest in one of our trees, and I see a dove sitting in the nest daily, so they must be expecting little Doves! Will try to get photos of them later!

Our roses are not as abundant as earlier,  but there are lots of other flowers beginning to make their appearance ...

A flowering shrub's first flower, it
will soon be filled with many gorgeous
white flowers; a very showy shrub! It
blooms all summer, at night almost has
a ghost like appearance...really interesting
An exotic looking Lily ... I love these ... we have several varieties getting ready to bloom... :-)

These are interesting little flowers, the pink one has a painterly look ...

and the orange one looks like it has little quilting stitches along with its painterly look ... nature sure does have fun!
I just had to get into the act and have some fun too, :-) I manipulated the floral image above with a paint program via my computer ... :-) I thought it looked neat, and just had to share this image too!

Have a Blessed Day!!!!! :-)

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