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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Bears and all that...
 I was putting away my Easter goodies and my TeddyRabbit PICs; I came across my Christmas Bears Pics and thought,  "I must include those so they can keep my TeddyRabbit company on my pages!"
Yes, I know summer is just around the corner but I LOVE Christmas !!!!!and I love my  Teddy Bear
collection.. here are a few photos of our Teddy Bear Christmas Tree!
A TeddyBear Christmas!
and more bears
And A Happy Birthday bear...Happy Birthday Jesus....

My flowers got into the I love Christmas act too, this  is some sort of weed presently growing in my garden; I think it looks like snowflakes what a cool looking weed! I hope it keeps coming up, its so pretty!

so pretty...
I love so many different things...life is grand, and has so much to offer,we just have to stop and enjoy the moments ... now who would have thought a mere weed could be as gorgeous as the Christmas flakes in this photo...and that it would be blooming on its own along with all the other spring flowers! TeddyBears, Christmas, and Snowflakes just seem to go together so I'm closing this page with the pretty weed photo and the photo of the Christmas decorations!
See you next time ...  Arita.... :-)

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