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Friday, May 18, 2012

We have been making more jewelry here at home! :-) :-)

 and, I think that we are getting better at this ... the jewelry classes that we have been taking at our Jr. College have been the best! It is ... getting easier to put our ideas together into wonderful pieces ...the first time around ... at first it was do, and  re-do ...

"Because to us it is very important to us that each piece be as perfectly made as humanly possible"

This is a  Sterling with Red Accents
Creation by both my Hubby and Me...

This is a Crystal and Pearl Creation by Moi

This is Sterling with Blue accents ... really pretty when light hits it..

The little baby rabbit is still coming to visit and is so cute ... we see him most mornings ... he must be our little Muse...

He has lots of Bird Buddies ... and yesterday  a little baby squirrel turned up ... my daughter commented I was beginning to
remind her of Snow White :-D

Our flowers are looking lovely ... lots of new bulbs are blooming, the roses are trying to re-bloom, alas the weeds are florishing too ... have lots of yard work to get back to...

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