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Sunday, May 13, 2012

We are missing one crazy wild baby rabbit if you see him send him home.....

We have not seen him in our yard anymore....
We had gotten so used to him scampering about while we worked in our yard....
and last saw him the second week of May 2012
There are two new big dogs in yard next door sure hope he just got spooked away and not hurt ...

A couple of days ago the big black bird that ALSO hangs out in our backyard was running about in the rain going from one part of the yard to another ... it suddenly dawned on me that he was visiting the places the little  rabbit usually frequented, my Honeybear and I watched from inside our house as the black bird ran  through the rain, hopping about for several minutes, and getting soaked (it was raining hard) before he finally gave up ... it sounds crazy I know, but we are convinced that what he was doing was searching for the baby rabbit ... just like he has seen us doing...

Today is Mother's Day May 13, 2012 I had a nice day, real nice weekend ... would of been even nicer if the little Rabbit would have shown up for a visit and kept me company while I set out some new plants ... unbelievable how much we have missed him/her and with the big dogs next door most likely will have no more little rabbits visiting our yard ... oh well its been nice while it lasted ...


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