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Monday, May 14, 2012

A coincidence? There is a small tear in the screen of one of my bedroom windows which I keep telling myself to repair. How did it get there ... I do not know, except that it has been there for awhile.
 This morning I kept hearing a tap-tap-tap, and a rustling type noise...actually it woke me up; it was after 9am and I was sleeping in. It was so persistent a noise that a got up to look out the window, and there sat a bird pulling at the tear in the screen with his long beak ... and creating the tapping noises.

I tapped on the window to shoo him away...he flew to a small table by my garden and proceeded to sit there and make loud tweeting sounds, then several of his bird friends joined him in the loud chirping sounds, or whatever one might call the racket they were now making ... it was weird, there they sat flapping their wings, and loudly singing??? It was more like a scene from the long ago movie "The Birds" I believe that is what it was titled ... great movie and  kinda scary....

I told my Honey how weird the birds were acting and he said, "they probably want you to throw them some bread pieces" and I thought well maybe so...still I felt like they were trying to get my attention about ? I ventured out thinking about the movie, bread in hand waiting to get bird attacked :-/ at any moment...I wondered about the yard and saw a dead baby bird at the base of one of our shade trees...and wondered could that have been what the birds were excited into making all the noise and the pecking/tearing of the window by one of them? I carefully buried the little bird towards the back of the yard (his Christian Burial)  while the birds happily went about eating their pieces of bread...
(well I couldn't just leaving him laying there, the ants and all were after him...)

I decided to water some of my plants ... and out scampered a certain someone I had been looking for for over a week...

how about now :-D

Yep, Mr. Baby Rabbit was in the yard ... was that why the birds were acting strange ... who knows
but sort of seems like could have been that way. Like, get up...get up...and come and see who is back!
OK sounds far out, but what other explanation ... for such unusual animal behaviour....

 Hey There....


Welcome back ...  (this is the type bird that was doing the window pecking)

Another Bird Bud ... Hey where ya been????

Awww my fav place to nap...

ehhhh don't get it too damp.....

What cha trying to do ...  this is my bed not a swimming pool...

Yes, he is back, I'm going to try and not get too attached ... Right!!! :-D I know its the same rabbit because he immediately went to his favourite spot in our yard!

Is he cute or what!!!!  Arita :-)

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