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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Feeling sad today ... I have not seen the little baby rabbit anymore ... yesterday we had doctor's appointments, and when we returned ... we noticed that the tall grass on city side of our fence had been mowed ... did not think much of it at the time but pretty certain the little rabbit never went there (was too big a drop off on the other side of the fence ... at least 4 ft drop) closed off by our fence ... so feel OK about that ... unless by some freak accident he wound up down there :-/ gosh I hope not...

Also, when we returned our  neighbor was cleaning out their house/garage, moving & getting ready for a garage sale??? and with children and friendly pets  about, the baby rabbit could have found a home? We have had at least 3 families of wild little rabbits make our back yard their home, (sometimes the front yard becomes their playground too)  and I always wonder what one should do ... and how do you catch wild rabbits anyway ... they are so sweet and they are wild ... so we just let them be...

They are  perfect little yard guests, and give us much enjoyment with their antics...
and we always are saddened when they go to where ever wild rabbits go ... one little family stayed with us almost three years :-)

This is the first time we had a baby bunny in our yard all on his own ... I have to admit I was worrying something would happen to him/her, and wondering if I should step in and do something ... perhaps he joined up with his rabbit family and is doing just fine! I sure hope he/she is OK .... our yard is big and lonely without him :-/ I miss our little guest ...

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