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Monday, May 7, 2012

This morning I was enjoying watching the baby rabbit that has been visiting our Yard for several weeks now. He is getting more and more used to seeing me, and I am able to get more fun Pics of him/her! :-)

At first acts shy...then....
After awhile he/she is more trusting, and does his/her rabbit stuff, allowing me to photograph him/her...
here ... I imagine that the Rabbit is thinking....
           .....This is the way we wash our face ... wash our face...
wash our face so early in the morning...
Hey.... take my picture....

Nap time ... all that posing and slicking up made me tired...


What a pretty little ... rabbit!!!

I know he will grow and eventually go on his way, but for now he is enjoying our yard, and the little treats we set out for him, and we are enjoying him! :-) :-)


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