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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

These are our Red Chile Chicken  Tamales...Yeaaaa I was able to include  PIC:-) the tamales turned
out really nice, tasty and light! We had them alongside of the best Cobb Salad ever (complements of
our daughter and her hubby)....
the 2nd PIC is of our Sweet Tamales...(which were sweetened with Splenda sweetener) and
crushed almonds, shredded coconut, pureed pumpkin, finely chopped raisins, and
cinnamon for added flavor...our youngest Granboy said, "mmmmm these taste like candy..."
(smiling here)...we had sweet success :-)

All in all the tamale making went really well, even the problems we encountered spreading the masa on the corn husk leafs was not too bad, and hopefully will be easier the next time we give it another try. We plan to make use of traditional tamale recipes and hope to try new ideas too, for different types of fillings.. prepared in lighter ways so that they can be enjoyed by all.

Just cause we have some diet restrictions doesn't mean we can't still enjoy some of our favorite
type foods...we just have to make a few healthy substitutions...and yet not lose all the deliciousness!
Cooking can be so much fun :-) and shopping for the ingredients is neat too...I never realized how many different spices there were out there...each with its own special way of accenting the foods we eat every day! My other half and I have been trying out all sorts of new flavorings...we prepared the
most amazing stew...yummmm will include recipes next time I am on...see you next time :-)

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