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Saturday, March 31, 2012

More of the gorgeous flowers in bloom in our yard...in 2012, there are a few Irises among the Roses....

This one looks like it has wings, and is a bit over 3 in. wide...

The roses are amazing ... this one is 4 1/2 in, across and is very fragrant....

and this is a polka-dotted rose that is almost 5in. wide, and still opening, it looks quite unusual...
(I think somehow it has picked up its pink colors from its neighbor, and  is now a hybrid???)
I'm not sure if it will remain like this, or if will be occasional instances of polka dotted roses....

We initially started with a couple of rose bushes, and now my Hubby and I buy a few new ones every chance we get...I .have received some lovely rose bushes as birthday gifts, and for Mother's Day....

I love this time of year because it feels almost like Christmas; every morning I awake to  new surprises in the form of  new blooms as our flowers awaken from their winter's sleep and gift us anew with their beauty, their fragrances...I LOVE SPRINGTIME!!!! 

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