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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Our Roses..

continue to give us enjoyment long after they have stopped blooming...

I collect the petals and waning flowers and carefully set them aside to dry...

these smallish blooms are especially fragrant, and ones that I really like to harvest...
the result is some amazing Potpourri that is pretty to look at, and is wonderfully fragrant!

I add a variety of my own dried flowers collected from my gardens, along with other dried flowers I may have collected from gift floral arrangements that my Honeybear, and my children have given me throughout the year...and I carefully mix them together,next I then add a touch of
concentrated fragrance oils and spices,
 and Viola...Potpourri!!!!

I can enjoy my flowers in still a different way...

My Rose based potpourri smells so wonderful; I wish you could enjoy its fragrance here!
Till next time...

More of the gorgeous flowers in bloom in our yard...in 2012, there are a few Irises among the Roses....

This one looks like it has wings, and is a bit over 3 in. wide...

The roses are amazing ... this one is 4 1/2 in, across and is very fragrant....

and this is a polka-dotted rose that is almost 5in. wide, and still opening, it looks quite unusual...
(I think somehow it has picked up its pink colors from its neighbor, and  is now a hybrid???)
I'm not sure if it will remain like this, or if will be occasional instances of polka dotted roses....

We initially started with a couple of rose bushes, and now my Hubby and I buy a few new ones every chance we get...I .have received some lovely rose bushes as birthday gifts, and for Mother's Day....

I love this time of year because it feels almost like Christmas; every morning I awake to  new surprises in the form of  new blooms as our flowers awaken from their winter's sleep and gift us anew with their beauty, their fragrances...I LOVE SPRINGTIME!!!! 

Friday, March 30, 2012

Well, I am doing all the good...I am posting some of my favorite Halloween PICS, and a few other fun things from 2011...at the rate I'm going.. by the end of this Christmas 2012, I may be posting my July fireworks stuff :-D

Seems like the months have really been flying by, and so much has been happening to us, and to those all around us...lots of people with struggles...but I believe that this too shall pass, and then???? Well, some of the same type stuff all over again. But hey its bound to be easier the second time around! :-)

OK here are some of my photos......

The little pumpkins (squash) turned out so nicely, I painted on cute little features, added a bit of Glitz to each, and Viola so adorable! I was so pleased, they all sold at various Craft Shows; I hope to do some more this year!

The next photo is of Wings...I love wings...ohhhhh to be able to fly :-)

I have a collection of different types of wings and will post some more later on, doesn't have to be Halloween to don some of my wings :-D

Till next time...keep on smiling...Arita

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I love Spring and fragrant gorgeous flowers showing off in all their glory; my roses have started blooming!!!!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Its Snowing Somewhere...

The site below is pretty fun :-D so what if it is not snowing here must be snowing somewhere....
copy and paste the link to your browser for some snowflaking!

 Popular Front Snowdays

Friday, March 9, 2012

I think Kaleidoscopes are amazing...
 Like stars of everchanging colors...

 Or like showers of tiny fireworks within handheld devices...

I have been enthused with Kaleidoscopes since I was  very young...my grandmother had the most amazing Kaleidoscope I have ever seen. I don't recall what became of that little treasure...
I suppose after generations of grandchildren it finally ceased to be...

I found several virtual Kaleidoscope sites that were pretty fun by putting the words' Virtual Kaleidoscopes on my browser...and going from site to site!

Happy Kaleidoscoping!!!!
Till next time have a blessed day or night....

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A bit of Glitz :-)
This is a sterling silver ring I created using the lost wax method. The design is  a  heart shape with two Angels holding on to the edges of the abstract heart shape...did I mention that I love Angels???
I collect Angel pins, and other Angel jewelry, small Angel figurines, anything Angel motive...I even have a collection of wings :-D
 (Those I use in some of my photography)...Guess who??? Yes,Ces't Moi 0-:-) 
I was like ohhhh noooo...I forgot the headdress, the halo...and my other half is like no you forgot the horns!!!
ouuuuuuuuu bad hubby :-D Laughing here....

This are some beaded creations...we made for Valentines Day

See you next time with some how to do and some other stuff... :-)

These are our Red Chile Chicken  Tamales...Yeaaaa I was able to include  PIC:-) the tamales turned
out really nice, tasty and light! We had them alongside of the best Cobb Salad ever (complements of
our daughter and her hubby)....
the 2nd PIC is of our Sweet Tamales...(which were sweetened with Splenda sweetener) and
crushed almonds, shredded coconut, pureed pumpkin, finely chopped raisins, and
cinnamon for added flavor...our youngest Granboy said, "mmmmm these taste like candy..."
(smiling here)...we had sweet success :-)

All in all the tamale making went really well, even the problems we encountered spreading the masa on the corn husk leafs was not too bad, and hopefully will be easier the next time we give it another try. We plan to make use of traditional tamale recipes and hope to try new ideas too, for different types of fillings.. prepared in lighter ways so that they can be enjoyed by all.

Just cause we have some diet restrictions doesn't mean we can't still enjoy some of our favorite
type foods...we just have to make a few healthy substitutions...and yet not lose all the deliciousness!
Cooking can be so much fun :-) and shopping for the ingredients is neat too...I never realized how many different spices there were out there...each with its own special way of accenting the foods we eat every day! My other half and I have been trying out all sorts of new flavorings...we prepared the
most amazing stew...yummmm will include recipes next time I am on...see you next time :-)