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Saturday, August 4, 2012

It has been hot hot hot! So something in Blue to cool down somewhat ...

This flower is called a Mystic Blue Orchid ....

In this close up of one of the blooms it looks like an Elf reading a book!

and something else in Blue ...  :-)

.... introducing our new little pet in her bowl of cool water ...our little  blue Betta!


She is quite friendly ... very social
Yummies ...

 so sweet, and gives kisses as she follows your fingers tracing the outside of her bowl ....

I love the shimmer of her scales...the way she changes colors according to how the light hits against her ... she looks like a little Rainbow ... perhaps we should have named her Rainbow...

till later ... Arita

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Just checking in ... :-) not too much going on ... has been really hot, so mostly staying in ... the following flowers are from a now waning bouquet that my Honeybear gave me towards the end of June ...  it still had a few pretty ones, so ... I made some pretty photos! :-D
Pretty in White...

and pretty in Pink ...

he loves me... he loves me not... He Loves Me white flowers, and some gorgeous Red Roses!

Waning Red Roses

These are ready for making some Potpourri....

I love fresh flowers and enjoy them to the very last ... :-)
and then with photography I can enjoy them even longer!
Thank you Honeybear xoxoxox! ....

Monday, July 2, 2012

I have been doing lots of stuff the past few weeks ... some yard work when not too hot ... early mornings and late evenings mostly...

:-) and I have been making some fun jewelry using safety pins and assorted beads!!!!

I love the way these look ... the bracelets can be worn with jeans and a cool tank top, or the colorful bracelets look great as part of bellydance costuming ... really great looking cuff bracelets and so easy to make!

 Just put together a collection of different beads, a package of gold or silver color large size safety pins ... then open the safety pins and slip on your choice of beads ... when have enough to go around your wrist thread elastic on top and on bottom openings of the safety pins ... tie elastic into a knot, and Viola ... a real pretty cuff! With a small plyers pinch the ends of the safety pins that are made to open, closed ... so that the safety pins will not accidently come open...
Wear one on each wrist for dramatic effect!!! :-)

We have a new baby rabbit visiting our yard :-)

Peek a boo ...

Happy 4th of July!!!!

Arita :-)

Friday, June 15, 2012

Here it is Father's Day weekend already and me still catching up after last Mothers day :-/ it was a busy week-end ... but nice ...I'm hoping Father's day for all will be a super one too!

Hoping its a Super Great One ... Arita... :-)
I Do Not care for the loud thunder ... but I have loved the rain ... and the flowers in our garden ... love it all! Yeaaa I'm having a new kaleidoscope of gorgeous colors!

Orange Day Lilli

Purple flowering shrub...

White flowering shrub...

Red Lillies

Red Rose
White Lilly

Yellow Purple Lilli

All are so very pretty :-)

till next time Arita

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I have been out in the garden again ... very early mornings, or late evenings because of the heat ... I have a feeling we  are going to have a very hot summer ...

My roses are beginning their second bloom,,,

I don't have as many blooming as in early Spring 2012 but they are still quite striking

I have several bulbs coming up, this is one I had thought had died...an Amaryllis that is about 10 years old (the kind you get at Christmas and plant in a pot and watch grow to ginormous size), well, it is still really big ... has two blooms, and takes about 12 in. of space across, and is almost 3 ft tall ...
a very showy plant that my Mother gave me one Christmas ... after it got really spinney looking  when the weather permitted I planted it outside, and it has re bloomed every year since with little or no care :-)

This is a photo of one of our rosebushes; I took it after I had watered late one evening, it was actually almost dark ... I used a flash, and was really impressed with how the photos turned out! (One of those wonderful happy accidents that are so appreciated in photography!)

Looks almost fairytale like :-) the effect is from the water on the plant, the flash, and the soft movement due to a slight breeze, I doubt I can duplicate these shots, they just sort of happened!!!

Another one of those wonderful happenings ... when you snap the photo at just the right time ... the bird turned out so majestic looking!!!

Do you see him??? Yes the Baby Rabbit is still here, and getting really big
I am so happy he returned ... I know it is the same one because he immediately
went to his favorite sleeping spot the day he returned, and uses it daily!

He is so much fun to watch, he has no name we just call him Mr.Rabbit yes, he is a he ... he has
a lady rabbit friend that comes to visit, and they can be hilarious ... on Memorial
Day they were running around the yard like crazy ... he was pursuing her, and she
was acting coy...then as he would approach she would be off and running ... it even
startled the birds that were in the yard ... I never knew rabbits could run so fast...

I'm pretty certain it was some sort of mating game, I made a little film of the chase
and want to add music to it ... a slapstick sort of thing ...they were so cute, so funny,
so innocent ... animals are such a joy ...

Arita :-)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Beef Tips mushrooms, and carrots ...
This recipe, I make taste really yummy by adding the spices to taste;
I add what I think will taste good, adjusting as I go as needed. Works out well for me...

Saute Mushrooms in a bit of olive oil and add some Chervil AKA Gourmet Parsley
and a bit of chopped garlic...

Add carrots, and braised beef tips and some Fenugreek (Fenugreek has taste of burnt sugar, I like to use in hearty stews soups and salads) I like the taste it gives the vegetables and the meat...
and saute a bit more...sprinkle on lightly a little black pepper

Next I have added warm water and one beef  cube and just a small touch of flour...the flour is about 2 Tablespoons mixed with a little of the liquid before adding to the skillet so will not make doughy globs...

add about 1 tablespoon of sour cream to make sauce  more glossy...

All done!!! ... I served the skillet meal with a loaded small baked potato, and a green salad ...
was pretty yummy!!! Arita :-)