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Monday, July 2, 2012

I have been doing lots of stuff the past few weeks ... some yard work when not too hot ... early mornings and late evenings mostly...

:-) and I have been making some fun jewelry using safety pins and assorted beads!!!!

I love the way these look ... the bracelets can be worn with jeans and a cool tank top, or the colorful bracelets look great as part of bellydance costuming ... really great looking cuff bracelets and so easy to make!

 Just put together a collection of different beads, a package of gold or silver color large size safety pins ... then open the safety pins and slip on your choice of beads ... when have enough to go around your wrist thread elastic on top and on bottom openings of the safety pins ... tie elastic into a knot, and Viola ... a real pretty cuff! With a small plyers pinch the ends of the safety pins that are made to open, closed ... so that the safety pins will not accidently come open...
Wear one on each wrist for dramatic effect!!! :-)

We have a new baby rabbit visiting our yard :-)

Peek a boo ...

Happy 4th of July!!!!

Arita :-)

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